Professional Home Organizer in the Minneapolis / St. Paul Area

Creating calm + beautiful homes for high-achieving executive women

Elevate your home and transform your life!

Hi, I’m Renee! I’m so glad you are here!



Are you looking for a professional home organizer who can help remove your home's overwhelm and deliver a calmer, better-organized space? You’ve come to the right place!

I created my professional home organizing business to help high-achieving women transform their homes from ones with too much clutter and not enough systems to ones that look great and run like clockwork.

I’ve wanted to launch this organizing business since my young adult sons were little. But single parenthood and a demanding career meant I had to table that dream and forge ahead! After being laid off from my marketing job, I knew the time was right to make my dream a reality and start helping women like you!

Photo credit: Caitlin Abrams

My Services + Pricing

  • organized labeled baskets

    Decluttering + Organizing

    Starting with the area that overwhelms you the most, we will work together to declutter, sort + set-up tailored systems + processes to give your space a streamlined, calming effect.

    In-home sessions start at $100/hour for a three hour session.
    Packages are available for multiple sessions or full-home organizing.
    Packages must be paid in full to receive discounts + to reserve your project dates.

  • laptop and a latte

    Virtual Organizing

    Virtual organizing allows for a flexible + effective way to organize your home no matter where you live. We will work via a series of video chats to declutter + organize your space. I will walk you through the how to’s of decluttering, sorting and other personalized organizational strategies to transform your space into a soothing respite.

    The investment for virtual organizing is $275 and includes five :30 video calls, text + email support up to two weeks after last session.

  • planner and cell phone

    Concierge Services

    Hand over your ever-growing list of household management tasks + errands to me so you can enjoy the luxury of free time.
    Imagine having your to-do list completed while you spend your time doing what you love!

    Hourly rate is $100.
    Service is for established clientele only.